White Space (El Blanco's Archive):Groupless:The Early Years:LBB Productions:WA Game

<-- -- - - - -- = == = =====[WA Game]== = = == == = ----- - - -- - -- ---- - -[Bruce WA] -- -- WA Game - 1993/1994 (Disk) One of my good friends in high school had a Macintosh and wanted to get into programing it. We though it would be fun to make a game. So we planned it and I wrote up some test tunes for the background music. Of course, once the complexity of actually "making" the game hit us, we realized that it wasn't such a good idea and gave it up. These songs were never released (for better or worse). Lord Blanka - 11/7/1993 K.Y. F. - 11/7/1993 Delms - 12/6/1993 Ilbrandlin Ihatkar Iktarn - 1/21/1994 -- - - - - -- - --- - --

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All works, stuff etc (c) Mark Sanders 1992-2005 elblanco at untergrund dot net